Attack All Around


hsctf 8 writeup




aptenodytes-forsteri 184pt

Here's a warmup cryptography challenge. Reverse the script, decrypt the output, submit the flag.
ファイル, output.txt




queen-of-the-hill 222pt

After finding a special key of the Hill, which contains a note to visit the Queen of the Hill, our brave Amanda begins her adventure to find the Queen of the Hill’s treasure. How shall she meet the Queen of the Hill? (a=0)
Cipher text: rtca{vbuhp_kaiq_gfj_nx_rda_ujw}
Encryption key:
16 25 8
14 19 5
15 17 3


なんでこの話をしたのかというと、どちらもHill Cipherを使っているからです。前回の最終問題が、今回2問目で出てくる!?とかなりビビりました。


Hill Cipher - Decoder, Encoder, Solver - Online Calculator


opisthocomus-hoazin 303pt

The plural of calculus is calculi.
ファイル:, output.txt


e = 65537
ct = [65639, 65645, 65632, 65638, 65658, 65653, 65609, 65584, 65650, 65630, 65640, 65634, 65586, 65630, 65634, 65651, 65586, 65589, 65644, 65630, 65640, 65588, 65630, 65618, 65646, 65630, 65607, 65651, 65646, 65627, 65586, 65647, 65630, 65640, 65571, 65612, 65630, 65649, 65651, 65586, 65653, 65621, 65656, 65630, 65618, 65652, 65651, 65636, 65630, 65640, 65621, 65574, 65650, 65630, 65589, 65634, 65653, 65652, 65632, 65584, 65645, 65656, 65630, 65635, 65586, 65647, 65605, 65640, 65647, 65606, 65630, 65644, 65624, 65630, 65588, 65649, 65585, 65614, 65647, 65660]

for c in ct:


regulus-satrapa 449pt

Do you like milk?
ファイル, output.txt

Coppersmith's Attackかといつものももテクさんの記事を参考にsageを動かしましたが出来ず。


Plaid CTF 2021 XORSA writeup - Attack All Around

pbar = (省略) #pの上位512bits
qbar = (省略) #qの下位512bits
n = (省略)
e = 65537
c = (省略)

def multiply(p,q,n):
    if len(p) == 512:
        P = int(p,2)
        P += pbar*pow(2,512)
        if n%P == 0:
            Q = n//P
            phi = (P-1)*(Q-1)
            d = inverse(e,phi)
            m = pow(c,d,n)
    x = len(p)+1
    pp = "0"+p
    tmp_n = int(pp,2)*int(q,2)
    if bin(tmp_n)[-x:] == n[-x:]:
    pp = "1"+p
    tmp_n = int(pp,2)*int(q,2)
    if bin(tmp_n)[-x:] == n[-x:]:



canis-lupus-familiaris-bernardus 457pt

Wait, why isn't it a species of bird this time?
nc 1337

"JOUX"が含まれた文字列が送られてきたら"F", そうでないなら"T"を送ります。"F"の場合、その文字列をAESのCBCモードで暗号化した際のIVだけ渡されます。暗号文はもらえません。そして、IVをこちらで決めたもので復号し、復号文が"ABCDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWYZ"のみで構成されるようにしなければなりません。

これはbyte flipping attackです。

DawgCTF 2021 writeup - Attack All Around


s, f = sock(HOST, PORT)
for _ in range(40-7+2): read_until(f)
for cnt in range(100):
    recv_m = read_until(f,"peptide? ").split()
    enc = recv_m[1]
    if "J" in recv_m[1] or "O" in recv_m[1] or "U" in recv_m[1] or "X" in recv_m[1]:
        iv = read_until(f).split()[-1]
        riv = ""
        for i in range(len(enc)):
            if enc[i] == "J":
                riv += iv[:2*i]
                t = ord("J")^ord("A")^int(iv[2*i:2*i+2],16)
                t = hex(t)[2:]
                if len(t) == 1: t = "0"+t
                riv += t + iv[2*i+2:]
            if enc[i] == "O":
                riv += iv[:2*i]
                t = ord("O")^ord("A")^int(iv[2*i:2*i+2],16)
                t = hex(t)[2:]
                if len(t) == 1: t = "0"+t
                riv += t + iv[2*i+2:]
            if enc[i] == "U":
                riv += iv[:2*i]
                t = ord("U")^ord("A")^int(iv[2*i:2*i+2],16)
                t = hex(t)[2:]
                if len(t) == 1: t = "0"+t
                riv += t + iv[2*i+2:]
            if enc[i] == "X":
                riv += iv[:2*i]
                t = ord("U")^ord("A")^int(iv[2*i:2*i+2],16)
                t = hex(t)[2:]
                if len(t) == 1: t = "0"+t
                riv += t + iv[2*i+2:]
        read_until(f,"use: ")
        print("modified iv:",riv)


cyanocitta-cristata-cyanotephra 463pt

Only the ciphertext has changed from the original challenge.
The Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) is a passerine bird in the family Corvidae, native to North America. It is resident through most of eastern and central United States and southern Canada, although western populations may be migratory. It breeds in both deciduous and coniferous forests, and is common near and in residential areas. It is predominately blue with a white chest and underparts, and a blue crest. It has a black, U-shaped collar around its neck and a black border behind the crest. Sexes are similar in size and plumage, and plumage does not vary throughout the year. Four subspecies of the Blue Jay are recognized.
ファイル:cyanocitta-cristata-cyanotephra.sage, output.txt


これを解いていきましょう。xs, ys, solnは9種類分かっています。未知数がc[0~5]の6種類なので、6個の式が立てられれば求められます。

A = [ [xs0^2, ys0^2, xs0*ys0, xs0, ys0, 1], ... ] #6×6 正方行列
C = [c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5] ] #縦ベクトル
B = [soln[0], soln[1], soln[2], soln[3], soln[4], soln[5] ] #縦ベクトル

A × C = B
A_inv × A × C = A_inv × B
C = A_inv × B

上の式よりCが求められました。よって与えられたa, bからf(a,b)を求め、与えられた暗号文とxorしたらflagが復元されました。

enc = [(与えられたxs, ys, solnをそのままコピペ)]
A = Matrix([[enc[0][0]^2,enc[0][1]^2,enc[0][0]*enc[0][1],enc[0][0],enc[0][1],1], [enc[1][0]^2,enc[1][1]^2,enc[1][0]*enc[1][1],enc[1][0],enc[1][1],1], [enc[2][0]^2,enc[2][1]^2,enc[2][0]*enc[2][1],enc[2][0],enc[2][1],1],[enc[3][0]^2,enc[3][1]^2,enc[3][0]*enc[3][1],enc[3][0],enc[3][1],1],[enc[4][0]^2,enc[4][1]^2,enc[4][0]*enc[4][1],enc[4][0],enc[4][1],1],[enc[5][0]^2,enc[5][1]^2,enc[5][0]*enc[5][1],enc[5][0],enc[5][1],1]])
B = Matrix([[enc[0][2]],[enc[1][2]],[enc[2][2]],[enc[3][2]],[enc[4][2]],[enc[5][2]]])
print((A^-1)*B) # Cとなる
from Crypto.Util.number import *

c = [15323988390216276549, 1211184093130083857, 5875327950550733875, 13889881931964042512, 14473158623602872631, 3300675726605068946]

def f(x,y):
    return c[0]*x*x+c[1]*y*y+c[2]*x*y+c[3]*x+c[4]*y+c[5]

a,b = 966671014274, 431366307057

x = f(a,b)

enc = (省略) #与えられた暗号文

flag{:monkaSTEER::monkaSTEER::monkaSTEER::monkaSTEER::monkaSTEER ::monkaSTEER::monkaSTEER::monkaSTEER::monkaSTEER:}

regulus-regulus 466pt

Anhinga anhinga
nc 1337


Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2021 writeup - Attack All Around

flag{r3gulus_regu1us_regUlus_regulu5_regUlus_Regulus_reguLus_regulns_reGulus_ r3gulus_regu|us}

cyanocitta-cristata-cyanotephra-but-fixed 466pt

Only the ciphertext has changed from the original challenge.
The Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) is a passerine bird in the family Corvidae, native to North America. It is resident through most of eastern and central United States and southern Canada, although western populations may be migratory. It breeds in both deciduous and coniferous forests, and is common near and in residential areas. It is predominately blue with a white chest and underparts, and a blue crest. It has a black, U-shaped collar around its neck and a black border behind the crest. Sexes are similar in size and plumage, and plumage does not vary throughout the year. Four subspecies of the Blue Jay are recognized.
ファイル:cyanocitta-cristata-cyanotephra.sage, output.txt




agelaius-phoeniceus 479pt

What's with the bird themed challenges?
ファイル, output.txt


A = [[outs[0~99]], [outs[1~100], ... , outs[99~198] ] #100×100 正方行列
x = [g.s[0], g.s[1], ... , g.s[99] ] #縦ベクトル、未知数
B = [outs[100], ous[101], ..., outs[199] ] #縦ベクトル

Ax = B (mod n)



まずAの余因子行列A' とやらを求めます。逆行列A_invの場合、A×A_inv=Eとなります。余因子行列の場合、A×A' =(det A)Eとなります。なので逆行列を求めて、それをAの行列式倍すれば余因子行列となります。

cA'×B = x mod n ※c = (det A)^-1 mod n



from Crypto.Util.number import *

def Next(s,c,n):
    tmp = 0
    for i in range(100):
        tmp += s[i]*c[i]
        tmp %= n
    return s[0], s[1:]

f = open("output.txt")
a = f.readlines()
tmp = a[0].split(",")
val = []
for i in range(len(tmp)-1):

det = (省略) #sageを使って求める
n = 18446744073709551629
c = inverse(det,n)

det_n = det%n
f = open("inv.txt") #Aの逆行列が入っている
A_inv = []
a = f.readlines()
for t in a:
    x = t[1:-2].split()
    tmp = []
    for y in x: tmp.append(int(y)*det_n)

A = mat

E = []
for i in range(100):
    temp = []
    for j in range(100):
        tmp = 0
        for k in range(100):
            tmp += A[i][k]*A_inv[j][k]
            tmp %= n

B = []
for i in range(100,200): B.append(val[i])
L = []
for i in range(100):
    tmp = 0
    for j in range(100):
        tmp += A_inv[i][j]*B[j]

C = []
for l in L:

S = [val[i] for i in range(100)]
for i in range(200):
    g, S = Next(S,C,n)
    assert g == val[i]

enc = (省略)
lf = len(enc)//2
k = ""
for i in range(lf):
    g, S = Next(S,C,n)
    k += hex(g)[2:].zfill(16)
for i in range(0,len(enc),2):
    flag = int(enc[i:i+2],16)^int(k[i:i+2],16)

flag{if_i_had_a_nickel_4or_ev3ry_st0re_h3re_1n_town_with_a_fu11_suit_of_armor_0ut_ in_front_i_would_have_two_nickl3s_wh1ch_isn't_a_l0t_but_it's_weird_that_we_h4ve_tw0}

bucephala-albeola 487pt

nc 1337


keyを送るとenc(flag, key)を返してくれます。"a"~"z"を一文字ずつ送ると以下の事に気付きました。

key: a
enc(flag,key): 74 83 64 95 95 54 53 84 56 95 54 53 54 86 54 83 54 67 54 83 54 74 54 95 84 63 54 64 53
key: b
enc(flag,key): 47 56 37 68 68 27 26 57 29 68 27 26 27 59 27 56 27 40 27 56 27 47 27 68 57 36 27 37 26
key: c
enc(flag,key): 85 94 75 106 106 65 64 95 67 106 65 64 65 97 65 94 65 78 65 94 65 85 65 106 95 74 65 75 64
key: d
enc(flag,key): 83 92 73 104 104 63 62 93 65 104 63 62 63 95 63 92 63 76 63 92 63 83 63 104 93 72 63 73 62
key: e
enc(flag,key): 86 95 76 107 107 66 65 96 68 107 66 65 66 98 66 95 66 79 66 95 66 86 66 107 96 75 66 76 65
key: f
enc(flag,key): 64 73 54 85 85 44 43 74 46 85 44 43 44 76 44 73 44 57 44 73 44 64 44 85 74 53 44 54 43
key: g
enc(flag,key): 77 86 67 98 98 57 56 87 59 98 57 56 57 89 57 86 57 70 57 86 57 77 57 98 87 66 57 67 56
key: h
enc(flag,key): 76 85 66 97 97 56 55 86 58 97 56 55 56 88 56 85 56 69 56 85 56 76 56 97 86 65 56 66 55
key: i
enc(flag,key): 44 53 34 65 65 24 23 54 26 65 24 23 24 56 24 53 24 37 24 53 24 44 24 65 54 33 24 34 23
key: j
enc(flag,key): 44 53 34 65 65 24 23 54 26 65 24 23 24 56 24 53 24 37 24 53 24 44 24 65 54 33 24 34 23
key: k
enc(flag,key): 75 84 65 96 96 55 54 85 57 96 55 54 55 87 55 84 55 68 55 84 55 75 55 96 85 64 55 65 54
key: l
enc(flag,key): 73 82 63 94 94 53 52 83 55 94 53 52 53 85 53 82 53 66 53 82 53 73 53 94 83 62 53 63 52
key: m
enc(flag,key): 55 64 45 76 76 35 34 65 37 76 35 34 35 67 35 64 35 48 35 64 35 55 35 76 65 44 35 45 34
key: n
enc(flag,key): 43 52 33 64 64 23 22 53 25 64 23 22 23 55 23 52 23 36 23 52 23 43 23 64 53 32 23 33 22
key: o
enc(flag,key): 54 63 44 75 75 34 33 64 36 75 34 33 34 66 34 63 34 47 34 63 34 54 34 75 64 43 34 44 33
key: p
enc(flag,key): 57 66 47 78 78 37 36 67 39 78 37 36 37 69 37 66 37 50 37 66 37 57 37 78 67 46 37 47 36
key: q
enc(flag,key): 66 75 56 87 87 46 45 76 48 87 46 45 46 78 46 75 46 59 46 75 46 66 46 87 76 55 46 56 45
key: r
enc(flag,key): 63 72 53 84 84 43 42 73 45 84 43 42 43 75 43 72 43 56 43 72 43 63 43 84 73 52 43 53 42
key: s
enc(flag,key): 56 65 46 77 77 36 35 66 38 77 36 35 36 68 36 65 36 49 36 65 36 56 36 77 66 45 36 46 35
key: t
enc(flag,key): 53 62 43 74 74 33 32 63 35 74 33 32 33 65 33 62 33 46 33 62 33 53 33 74 63 42 33 43 32
key: u
enc(flag,key): 46 55 36 67 67 26 25 56 28 67 26 25 26 58 26 55 26 39 26 55 26 46 26 67 56 35 26 36 25
key: v
enc(flag,key): 84 93 74 105 105 64 63 94 66 105 64 63 64 96 64 93 64 77 64 93 64 84 64 105 94 73 64 74 63
key: w
enc(flag,key): 65 74 55 86 86 45 44 75 47 86 45 44 45 77 45 74 45 58 45 74 45 65 45 86 75 54 45 55 44
key: x
enc(flag,key): 67 76 57 88 88 47 46 77 49 88 47 46 47 79 47 76 47 60 47 76 47 67 47 88 77 56 47 57 46
key: y
enc(flag,key): 87 96 77 108 108 67 66 97 69 108 67 66 67 99 67 96 67 80 67 96 67 87 67 108 97 76 67 77 66
key: z
enc(flag,key): 45 54 35 66 66 25 24 55 27 66 25 24 25 57 25 54 25 38 25 54 25 45 25 66 55 34 25 35 24
  • "i", "j"1文字の時は全く同じ暗号文となる。
  • 29個の整数が送られてくるが、25種類の1個目に注目すると、数値が5×5のような形になる(ex. 43~47, 53~57, ... ,93~97)


ポリュビオスの暗号表 - Wikipedia




ここでenc(flag, key)を考えます。keyとflagの値によってこの値が決まると考えた時、flagが固定なので毎回変わる上の5×5の表はランダムでflagに依存しないと考えます。




フロクシノーシナイヒリピリフィケイション - Wikipedia



GitHub - ksbowler/hsctf_8